
Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Hay Festival 2014

Yes, it has been a long time without yarn-bombing, so busy learning new knitting skills and how to 'make do and mend' for local friends' moth eaten clothes.

On an evening wander round Hay, on one of the few rain free days so far, I decided to put up a few yarn gifts, some on friend's business premises, some on the regular dull structures around the place that needed a bit of  cheering up.

The Pop Up Pantry, who hilariously at first,accidentally wrote their sign as Pop Up Panty,  lovely food and lovely hosts, pop in!

The Old Electric Shop, a lovely new space for browsing vintage home decor and clothes, random curiosities and to get a warm drink or cocktails

This is for my friend Becky who has he vintage shop through the blue gates, to add to the colour she brings to town.

During the recent renovation of the cheese market an old tag was removed from the drain pipe so it has a bright new replacement for you to enjoy whilst eating a gorgeous ice-cream from Shepherds'.

The temporary Groucho Club at Hay Castle got a little sunny belly-button motif, whilst a beautiful sunset smiled.

my lovely friend Masha posing for the pic.

The Thoughtful Gardner & Castello de Haia deserved a little gift.

 Finally a little star for a disused old post by the gate to the castle grounds where Masha and I sat and watched a murder of crows causing a cacophony in the trees above.


  1. Fabulous my darling xx

  2. Love your Hay photos..and especially a "Murder of crows"!!!

    1. Yarn Craft Rebel18 August 2015 at 21:45

      why thank you for taking time to comment "anonymous" :-)
